Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 20, 2011

it is so cute to see Clark with the boys and DaraLynn...he loves them and they love him

Conner loves to take pictures with my camera

                              Papa had a fun time spoiling his grand-daughter...he loves her so so much!
My Uncle Lloyd, my cousin Craig and Aunt Betty

My dad's brother, Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Betty

My cousin, Craig and his wife, Gayle

Craig and I

 We had a very good visit with my Uncle, Aunt, cousin and his wife, who I haven't seen in 30 some years...we had a good time talking about all the fun times we had...I had kind of forgot, but Craig, my cousin reminded me that he was saved in my brother's tent (Dennis) at a camp-out at Lyon's creek...he use to go with us to camp-out for many was so good to re-connect after all these years.

 Came home from visiting with my relatives, to a very delicious BBQ tri-tip & sausage, corn on the cob, and salad dinner...Shawn does a really good job on BBQing...the boys were hilarious to watch eat their corn, Logan went from one cob to another cleaning off the part that we didn't eat...
another Conner picture

just before bedtime...April reading to them, so cute

So Precious !

Proud daddy

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