Sunday, June 23, 2013

Relay for Life

this was the itinerary

a very beautiful place to have the relay...Paso Robles Hot Springs and Spa

this was the beginning lap, the Survivor lap

across the lake they had put lumanarias up, and at night they were lit, I missed to get a picture the next morning, they spelled CURE, they took them down

and I forgot to take a picture of our breakfast, it was supplied by the Wellness kitchen, so we had fruit kabob, a one bite bran muffing and a spinach, green thing quiche...LOL...lunch was chicken salad which was really good, I volunteered to serve dinner, which was BBQ chicken, beans, salad and bread...then for midnight snack we had cookies, coffee and water

this is the HUGE fan that was in the pavilion

Lana and I after the survivor and caregiver lap

Bill Amyett's lumanaria

we joined the Rainbow Warrior team, but all they did was sit around and do nothing, so next year we are either joining a different team or will volunteer to help with the set up and all,

a panorama of where we were

we were lucky to be at a perfect spot to see the biggest moon of the year come up

this was the luminaria walk, it was very quiet and very emotional

this was Grandma's lite up

and this was the closing walk around

the path after it was all over

I walked and walked, there was booths all over to buy stuff, and games off and on, there was one booth, that every time you walked a lap, you got a string then a bead for every time...when you walked you didn't realize how many times you went around, cause others were walking slow, medium or fast, so you just kept going, dad came with Lana and I the first morning to set up our tent and stuff, then Tony and dad came back in the evening for a while, dad walked with me...then the men left and Lana sold huge marshmallows dipped in chocolate and graham crackers, and I walked some more, then we had a midnight snack, they had an animated movie on, then around 2 am we decided to go to bed for a few...we slept till 5:45 or so, got up, and packed our stuff and walked some more, had pancake breakfast and walked the last was a blast, it was HOT, (98) so we would get our chairs and go sit by the lake or get our sleeping bag and just lay around for a little was fun, fun !!!!

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