Friday, August 9, 2013

Sunday Brunch

Met Pam and Mike for brunch at Madonna Inn...another lovely day, the kids had just got a new/used Harley, so they wanted to take a ride...then we had to go clean the rental, guest leaving that morning and guest coming in that night.

August 3, 2013

 Dad and I took a drive to Dinky Creek area, to scope the area out...there was NO water in Dinky Creek

this is by Wishon Dam

creek flowing from the dam

there is a little spic on top of the dam, it is a black truck

Dad caught 1 rainbow trout, but threw it back, we are definitely coming back, like in September

The ants go marching one by one, Hurrah Hurrah...the ants were huge, the picture doesn't do justice

The weather was so so nice, it was in the 100's at home, and 77 there, it was so relaxing, it was so nice to be able to sit and listen to the water falling over the rocks...and just sitting listening to God's creation !!!