Tuesday, December 11, 2012


this is a truck lot, with trucks of all colors

Beautiful drive to dad's/grandpa's
Annette, Jan and Pam

Jan and Tim putting the rod into the turkey so they can put it on the rotisserie

Nephew Jarod with Little Anne

Jarod and Annette

Pam and Mike

Jan, Annette, Pam, me and Susan

Jan made us all cute pink scarfs

on our way home

Met Bob & Vickie Griffith in Sacramento at Apple Bee's for dinner

made a little detour, and went into Napa Valley, we have never been there

We will be going back some time soon!!!


pictures kind of out of order, but everyone was having fun with these glasses

my goofy nephew, he was hilarious

if it wasn't for Jan making the dogs scarfs, Little Anne would have blended in with the landscape

Lewis & Clark crew